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CICV 2021 will be held in Beijing

With the theme of "Building an Open and Shared Intelligent Connected Vehicle Ecosystem", CICV 2021 will organize conferences, exhibitions, test & demonstration, test rides and other diversified activities to provide relevant institutions, experts and scholars at home and abroad with a platform for consensus building, document interpretation, innovation releasing, technical and academic exchanges, exhibitions, demonstration, international exchange and cooperation.
I. Key Vehicle Technology
● Environmental Perception Technology
● Intelligent Vehicle Computing Platform for High-level autonomous Driving
● Intelligent Decision Technology
● Control Actuation Technology (ICV Chassis Control)
● Electrical/Electronic Information Architecture

II. Information Interaction Technology
● Development and Demonstration of Vehicle-Road-Cloud Integration Intelligent Driving
● V2X Theory, Technology and Application
III. Key Basic Support Technologies
● AI and Autonomous Driving
● On-board Chip for Intelligent Driving
● Information Security of ICVs
● High-precision map and Positioning Technology
● Testing and Evaluation Technology of ICVs
IV. Industrialization and Application Forum
● ICV Innovation Applications Forum

CICV 2021 preliminary calendar of event

Time The schedule
25th May
09:00-12:00 Thematic Summit 1:Intelligent on-board computing platform for high-level autopilot
Thematic Summit 2:Development and application demonstration of vehicle-road cloudcooperative intelligent driving
14:00-18:30 Opening Ceremony and keynote address
Interactive high-level Forum
25th May
Thematic Forum (3 - 4 parallel chambers in the same period)
  • Topic 1: Automatic Driving Environment Sensing Technology Based on Multi-source Information Fusion
  • Topic 2: Human-like Decision Technologies for Intelligent Driving Vehicles
  • Topic 3: Control Execution Techniques for Intelligent Connected Vehicles
  • Topic 4: Electronic and Electronic Architecture for Intelligent Connected Vehicles
  • Topic 5: New High Speed Network in Cars
  • Topic 6: V2X theory, technology and applications
  • Topic 7: Artificial Intelligence for Vehicles
  • Topic 8: Information Security for Intelligent Connected Vehicles
  • Topic 9: Automated driving maps and positioning
  • Topic 10: Test and Evaluation Technologies for Intelligent Connected Vehicles
  • Topic 11: Innovative Application Forum for Intelligent and Connected Vehicles
  • Topic 12: Commercialization Demonstration and Application of Autonomous Taxi
  • Topic 13: China-Japan Seminar on New Generation Automotive Technology (Theme Design)
27th May日
25th - 27th May
  • Concurrent activity 1: 21 "New SiQuan" of Intelligent Connected Vehicle C-V2X, Jinan large-scale pilot application demonstration
  • Concurrent activity 2: technology and product exhibition
  • Concurrent Activity 3: CVVD First Internet of Vehicles Vulnerability Mining Competition
  • Concurrent Activity 4: Enterprise Innovation Achievements Conference
conference theme conference topic
Theme Summit 1: Intelligent Vehicle Computing Platform for High-level Autonomous Driving (Theme Drafting)
  • Basic software requirements of intelligent vehicles under the background of new energy vehicles
  • Computational infrastructure helps develop autonomous driving
  • Basic software requirements for smart cars from an OEM perspective
  • Independently develop intelligent networked vehicle operating system
  • Demonstration application of computing platform for high level autonomous driving
  • The platformization and standardization of the basic computing platform
  • AUTOSAR and China's independent development of basic software
  • Test and evaluation method of basic software for intelligent and connected vehicles
  • Automotive basic software based on the new generation EE architecture
  • On-board chip for on-board computing platform and its basic software
Theme Summit 2: Vehicle Road Cloud Collaborative Intelligent Driving Development and Application Demonstration

China has clearly put forward the development direction of the deep integration of intelligence and network, and the synergy of vehicle and road cloud. By building vehicles-road cloud collaborative system architecture and fully integrating the advantages of intelligence and network, China is expected to explore the development path of vehicles-road cloud integration in China, supporting the realization of the great goal of building China into an automobile power. The conference will focus on topics such as development trend, system architecture design, development of key technologies related to vehicle, road, cloud and network, demonstration application and commercialization exploration, and conduct in-depth discussion and research on vehicle and road cloud collaborative intelligent driving.

  • The development trend of vehicle cloud and intelligent driving industry
  • Key technology progress of vehicle-road cloud collaborative intelligent driving
  • Demonstration application and commercialization exploration of vehicular cloud collaborative intelligent driving
Topic 1: Automatic Driving Environment Sensing Technology Based on Multi-source Information Fusion
  • High performance laser mine for autonomous driving
  • Autonomous driving sensing technology based on millimeter wave radar
  • Vision intelligent chip technology
  • Automatic driving sensing software and hardware synergistic acceleration technology
  • High-level autonomous driving computing platform
  • Fusion sensing technology for high level autonomous driving
  • Perception algorithm
Topic 2: Human-like Decision Technologies for Intelligent Driving Vehicles

The rapid application of intelligent driving and intelligent transportation system industrial technologies urgently requires more refined, anthropomorphic and socially expected intelligent driving behavior decision-making technologies. In order to generate a safe and efficient driving path, the autonomous driving decision should be able to solve the uncertainties in the perception and prediction modules as accurately as possible. At the same time, decision technology not only needs to meet the performance specification, but also needs to meet the social expectations of human traffic behavior, especially in the scenario of autonomous driving and artificial driving or pedestrian mixed driving. To this end, this topic is expected to gather experts from major domestic automobile companies and universities to focus on hot issues of intelligent driving decision-making through keynote speeches and interactive discussions.

  • Driving safety assessment and behavior prediction
  • Collaborative interaction and decision making of multiple agents
  • Automated driving decision making in mixed traffic scenarios
Topic 3: Control Execution Techniques for Intelligent Connected Vehicles

Intelligent networked vehicles require active driving/braking/steering system that does not rely on manpower, and safety redundancy and fail-operation function. New energy vehicle demand does not depend on the power of engine vacuum source, improve energy recovery efficiency and improve braking performance. The "new four modernizations" of automobile bring about the reform of chassis system and control technology, and a new generation of intelligent wire control chassis system arises at the historic moment. This forum focuses on chassis platformization, chassis domain control system, distributed drive technology, wire control, redundant electric steering, electrically controlled suspension and key component technology.

  • Chassis domain control system scheme, chassis platform and modular architecture design
  • New energy vehicles and intelligent driving under the development trend of the chassis system technology change
  • Intelligent braking and steering system key components of the motor/solenoid valve independent development
Topic 4: Electronic and Electronic Architecture for Intelligent Connected Vehicles

Traffic digitalization, power electrification, intelligent driving, vehicle network connection, human-computer interaction and computing collaboration have become the inevitable trend and core theme of automobile technology development. Among them, electronic and electrical architecture is undoubtedly the focus and hot spot. In the future vehicle-road-cloud integrated intelligent vehicle and transportation system, the system architecture of software, hardware and computing power will undoubtedly have a profound impact on product performance, development process and industrial pattern. This conference will bring together cross-industry experts and scholars to jointly discuss the trend, challenges and paths of the development of electronic and electrical architecture.

  • Development status of automotive EEA
  • Research and development challenges of automotive EEA
  • Automotive EEA technical path
Topic 5: New High Speed Network in Cars

With the rapid development of smart cars to intelligent product configuration, the concept of software defined cars get widespread concern in the industry, it will be destined for the car electronic electrical direct and significant impact on evolution of architecture, a new type of car bearing and high-speed network as electronic electrical architecture of broadband transmission technology is also in constant evolution, then auto Ethernet is a typical representative of the new type of car high-speed network, this BBS will continue to the topic of discussion, and further discuss and introduce the future development trend of automobile Ethernet passes on, application, based on automobile Ethernet protocols and testing, and the latest progress of high speed transmission channel, At the same time this forum will continue to pay attention to the latest vehicle-mounted high-speed technology development and for the first time in the domestic introduction of vehicle-mounted 10,000MB media transmission technology research.

Topic 6: V2X theory, technology and applications

V2X is an important part of driverless driving and the new generation of intelligent transportation. With the determination of the new national infrastructure strategy, V2X has become one of the most popular directions in the field of transportation and automobile, but its theory, technology, standards, application scenarios and business model are still being explored.

This BBS topic focus on the direction, invitation from the government, research institutions, the whole car enterprises, colleges and universities at home and abroad experts and scholars, around communication, data interaction and fusion, safety, testing, application scenarios, solution of the theory, technology, standard speech as wonderful, aimed at synergy (V2X) in unmanned car road, traffic management, and other industries provide communication, discussion platform application.

Topic 7: Artificial Intelligence for Vehicles

Intelligent vehicles are the priority development theme of Made in China 2025. The intelligence level of existing cars is far less than that of human drivers. Combined with the mixed traffic flow and irregular roads on Chinese roads, AI development faces even more severe technical challenges.

The forum will focus on the intersection of intelligent vehicles and artificial intelligence, covering applications such as perception, decision making and control. Topics include but are not limited to:

  • Intelligent control of vehicle
  • Neural network training and optimization
  • Data and models are mixed to drive intelligence
  • Distributed learning and swarm intelligence
  • AI chips with accelerated computing
  • Interpretability/security guarantees
Topic 8: Information Security for Intelligent Connected Vehicles
  • Construction of Intelligent and Connected Vehicle Information Security Test Platform
  • Construction of Internet of Vehicles Information Security System
  • Construction of a national Internet emergency management platform
  • Enterprises in the automotive information security aspects of the work
  • Integrated protection system of intelligent traffic information security
  • New situation of data security protection for intelligently connected vehicles
  • Network of vehicles vulnerability platform construction
  • esearch on Automobile Information Security Testing Practice
Topic 9: Automated driving maps and positioning
  • High precision automatic driving map model and acquisition and processing technology
  • High precision automatic driving map and mass production application
  • High-precision autonomous driving map crowdsourcing technology to update
  • Beidou Satellite Positioning System and Combined Positioning System
  • High precision positioning technology and mass production application
  • Collaborative Sensing Technology Based on High Precision Autonomous Driving Map
Topic 10: Test and Evaluation Technologies for Intelligent Connected Vehicles
  • Test and evaluation system and method of intelligent networked vehicle
  • Test scenarios
  • Virtual Simulation Test Technology of Intelligent Connected Vehicle
  • Intelligent networked vehicle vehicle in the ring test
  • Real vehicle tests
Topic 11: Innovative Application Forum for Intelligent and Connected Vehicles

Globally, intelligent connected vehicles have entered a new stage of normal road test operation and multi-point open demonstration application. For China, the innovative development and application of intelligent connected vehicles still face many challenges and risks. Many ministries and commissions emphasize the strengthening of pilot application, demonstration application, pilot application and market application. In this context, China Intelligent Connected Vehicle Industry Innovation Alliance is preparing to set up an innovative application working group and will release the 1.0 achievement of "Intelligent Connected Vehicle Innovative Application Roadmap". This conference focused on the application and expectation of intelligent connected vehicles in different scenarios and regions, and conducted in-depth discussion and research on the realization path and challenges of intelligent connected vehicles commercialization in various scenarios.

Topic 12: Commercialization Demonstration and Application of Autonomous Taxi

This meeting will focus on three aspects of the discussion:

  • Policy orientation and policy innovation
  • RoboTaxi Demonstration Applications and Technological Innovations
  • Future development trend of RoboTaxi
Topic 13: China-Japan Seminar on New Generation Automotive Technology

This seminar will build a long-term and in-depth communication platform for the Sino-Japanese automobile industry, and explore and promote the cooperation between the two sides. The speakers and participants from China and Japan will include: vehicle manufacturers, parts companies, consulting companies/research institutions, financial companies/investment institutions, etc.

Important Honors

5A-Academic association
National advanced social organization
Excellent science and Technology Association

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Working time:Mon To Fri 9:00-17:00

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