Promote scientific and technical progress in the automotive industry,Train automotive talents,Push forward technical exchanges between domestic and international automotive industries,Popularize the knowledge of automotive industry,Spread the culture of automotive industry,Build a home for scientists and engineers.
On November 6, 2004, under the support of the Ministry of Education of the PRC, the formation of “National Automobile Vocational Education Group” (Alliance) was announced and the Secretariat is attached to China-SAE. There were 115 council members in the first council of the group. It covers the vehicle manufacturers, parts manufacturers, post-market servicing enterprises, scientific institutions, undergraduate institutions, and vocational and specialized higher education institutions.
The objectives of the Alliance are to cultivate technical-type talents for automotive industry, conduct series of study and development from talents, majors, to standards of teaching course systems, and educational resources, thus combining vocational schools, vocational colleges and university organically, and establishing “bridges” and lifelong studying system for talented people.